Annual Inclusive Gymnastics in dubai

Summer is in full swing, and so are our annual special needs gymnastics classes in Dubai! From summersaults to splits, we're flipping, stretching, and dancing our way through the season. Here's a peek into the excitement of Ballet Bridges’ summer gymnastics sessions:

In our inclusive environment, creativity knows no bounds. Students are choreographing mini dances to music of their choice to showcase their new skills to the rest of the class. From graceful routines to energetic performances, each dance is a reflection of their unique personalities and passions.

Stretching is not only a warm-up; but a movement of consistent progress and potential. Our participants are arching their backs until their feet touch their heads, embracing the challenge and celebrating their progress with each stretch.

Guided by our skilled instructors, our participants are mastering the art of summersaults and splits. they're building strength, flexibility, and confidence with every twist and turn.

As the summer draws to a close, we're getting dances ready for a special showcase to demonstrate our skills to friends and family and we hope to see you there!


Dance Classes at Friendship Circle